If you run a small web development firm, you may find that your business waxes and wanes throughout the year. Unlike large firms, you cannot take on an overabundance of work and risk not meeting deadlines, and unlike freelancers who work by themselves, you may not be able to scoop up quick project work on freelancing websites. This makes your approach to marketing critical if you want to be successful with a small firm. Unfortunately, many small firms do not have a large marketing budget, and you may or may not have anyone on your team with marketing experience. However, there are a few inexpensive ways that you can market your small firm for consistent work throughout the year. 

Offer to Tutor Others 

Tutoring other web developers can help improve your own development skills while bringing in business. You don't have to tutor for free, as there are sites where you can sign up as a tutor and be paired with a paying student. Many of these students may be developers who are looking to expand their own skills to include a new web development niche, such as expanding their knowledge of a different programming language or content management system, or business managers trying to build their own website. 

If you are particularly savvy in a niche area, your pupil may realize that it is cheaper and easier to hire you for projects than to learn the necessary skills themselves. This means you will be able to supplement your income through tutoring while getting steady project work as well. 

Get Active In the Forums 

Active design and development forums can be a useful place to get information when you get stuck on a project. However, many developers make the mistake of looking up answers on a forum without participating or only asking questions on a forum. If you regularly answer questions for other designers or developers, you can create a name for yourself on the forums. When people have particularly tricky projects, they may look for you to work on it because they know that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the project. 

Budgeting a couple of hours each week for each of your employees to spend on active forums that you have approved can help increase your firm's reputation and bring in more clients. 

Attend Conferences 

Conferences are like in-person forums. While many developers may want to stay behind their computers, it is important that you regularly attend conferences if you want to increase your client base. Similarly to forums, you should not only attend conferences, but actively participate in them. If there is a round table discussion, sign up for it and voice your opinions. If you are capable, consider giving a presentation at a conference. These activities will make you stand out as an expert in your field and will make more people want to work with you. 

Hire a Marketing Consultant 

If you have little or no experience in marketing, it can be helpful to hire a small business marketing consultant to help you devise a marketing approach that works for you and your company. A consultant will help you narrow down your target market, making your marketing approach more successful. They will also help you set attainable marketing goals and teach you how to monitor the effectiveness of your marketing. Additionally, they may help you think beyond advertising and realize that marketing is a complex system that begins with product development and pricing. This will help you create a stronger business over time. 

Marketing your small web development firm can seem intimidating at first. However, if you follow these guidelines, you will likely find that marketing becomes an aspect of your business that you enjoy. 
